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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Anti-stress Foods, Delicious and Beneficial.

Stress is an emotional condition that everyone has to face normally. Although it is a condition that occurs within the mind. Excessive stress can have a clear impact through our behavior or body as well. Many people may have symptoms of a rapid and strong

Important nutrients for working-age people.

Appropriate nutrition for each age group of working-age people that makes them good figure, good health is divided according to energy consumption of working-age people into 3 levels: 1,600, 2,000, and 2,400 kilocalories so that working-age people can choose to eat food that is appropriate

Signs we’re about to successfully lose weight.

Determined to lose weight for a while, but you are still not sure if you have started to slim down. You don’t dare to weigh yourself, or the numbers on the scale are still uncertain. Why worry when you can check the results of your

Simple exercises to relieve symptoms of loose ankles.

Many people who enjoy playing sports, exercising, or wearing high heels for long periods of time may develop ankle sprains. This seems like a common symptom that can occur regularly, but if left untreated for a long time, it can result in loose ankles. When

Healthy Stress-Relieving Foods and keeps you away from depression.

Believe it or not food influences changes in brain chemistry, affecting our feelings and moods. Many foods are associated with stress, depression, and sadness. In addition, stress and harmful foods can also cause brain chemical levels to decrease rapidly, such as processed foods and junk

DIY easy recipes for whitening your teeth at home.

Teeth whitening is quite popular nowadays. In addition to enhancing facial beauty, it also builds personality and boosts confidence. Teeth whitening can be done in many ways, such as buying equipment to do at home. Normally, people have whitening, shiny teeth. But some people have

Doctors emphasize how much “sunscreen”

Doctors emphasize how much “sunscreen” you should apply to truly protect against UV. Some people may have heard that. Applying sunscreen to be most effective in protecting the skin from various UV rays is to apply it in an amount of 2 fingertips, or the

What is a nosebleed? What causes it?

What is a nosebleed? What causes it? A nosebleed is blood that flows from the nasal cavity. Whether it’s one-sided or both sides It is caused by a broken blood vessel within the nasal cavity. This may be because the blood vessels in the nasal cavity